Get AFS News sent directly to your phone!

Associated Food Stores cares about you and wants to ensure we communicate with you as effectively as possible. In our most recent team member survey, you told us how you prefer to receive AFS news with email and text messages at the top of the list.

Text AFSTEAM to 78619 to receive AFS text alerts.

News You Use

To increase the quality and frequency of our interaction, we are refreshing our communications tools. This communication covers a wide spectrum including:

AFS Text Notification animation

  • Leadership messages
  • Urgent notifications
  • Information from team services
  • Opportunities for career growth
  • Updates on team accomplishments
  • Details about company events and culture

News You Choose

We know you’re busy and understand every minute in your day is valuable. We also know you challenged us to communicate more effectively and we aim to exceed your expectations. With that in mind, we ask that you give us a shot at a spot on your “must-see” list.