Ken Robinson, the Farr West Distribution Center general manager, is bidding farewell after an illustrious fifty-year career at Associated Food Stores. Despite his remarkable tenure, Ken remains characteristically modest, preferring to let his actions speak louder than words. When approached about his legacy, he gracefully deflected, focusing instead on the future and the team he leaves behind. In honor of his retirement, Team News gathered heartfelt quotes from some of his colleagues, highlighting his impact and influence over the decades. 

Tim Conner 

“If you think about what Ken has experienced during his entire career, it’s amazing,” said Tim Conner, senior vice president of team services. “He was instrumental in the consolidation of multiple warehouses, the move to the Farr West Distribution Center, the support of the Albertson’s stores when they were purchased, dozens of modernization efforts and much more. His institutional knowledge is incredible, and his understanding of our retailers and their needs has had a significant impact on our success.” 

Glen Keysaw

Ken’s commitment to excellence has set the standard for us all,” said Glen Keysaw, vice president of distribution. “I’m so proud of Ken and his ability to lead us through so many changes during his time at AFS. His wisdom and dedication have left a remarkable impact on our team. Though Ken may not boast about his accomplishments, his influence on the distribution center and the team is undeniable and will be felt for years to come.” 

Tony Merrill 

I want to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for Ken for his remarkable contributions and dedication over the past 50 years,” said Tony Merrill, distribution operations manager. “Ken has been more than a ‘boss’ or supervisor. He has been a rock, a mentor and a true friend to all of us. His wisdom, resilience and commitment have shaped not only our culture at the warehouse, but also the lives of countless individuals who have had the privilege of working alongside him. His leadership has been the bedrock upon which our success stands, and his legacy has and will continue to inspire generations to come. Ken has been the steady hand during storms, a resource in challenging times, and the driving force behind our achievements. His impact extends far beyond the financials and spreadsheets, it resides in the memories, the laughter and the camaraderie we’ve all shared with him. I hope his retirement is filled with joy, adventure and well-deserved relaxation. He has earned every moment of it. I can’t thank him enough for everything he has taught and done for me.”  

Terri Jensen 

“Ken epitomizes the heart of our distribution center,” said Terri Jensen, distribution operations manager. “Though he doesn’t like the spotlight, he’s been at the center of every team BBQ celebration and other team events. We even managed to convince him to sport a wild Fourth of July head decoration once, which was no small feat! His presence has always been a source of joy and camaraderie for us all.” 

Carl Jensen 

“I have only really appreciated Ken for about the last 30 years because 40 years ago he was a royal pain,” Carl Jensen, director of distribution, said playfully. “The fun part looking back is that we are great friends.  

He was a leader who I could argue with in the morning, and have a beer with in the evening. I have a great respect for Ken, his experience and knowledge has seen Associated through many years and changes. He has always been fully dedicated to our retailers and team members. He’s always the first one to make it right or do the right thing. No excuses, no worries about blame, just how do we make it right first, and how do we improve what needs improving. Thanks for the memories!”