Free gift baskets filled to the brim with goodies, more gift cards than ever, and big-ticket prizes are all part of Exclusive Brands’ new and improved receipt giveaway for AFS team members. Beginning in January 2024, team members will have the chance to win a free gift basket valued at $100, and even higher ticket items, alongside four $50 gift cards every month.  

In the lobby of the corporate office in Salt Lake City sits a gleaming, acrylic box. Its purpose is collecting receipts from team members every day. It’s one of two shiny boxes, with the other being in the front lobby of the distribution center in Farr West.  

There are two ways to win big. To be eligible to win an Exclusive Brands’ themed gift basket, team members:  

  • Purchase an item from the Exclusive Brand of the Month spotlighted in Team News, highlight the item on the receipt and drop it in the box. (January is Full Circle Market Month meaning team members will have a chance to win a gift basket valued at $100 and filled with treats and other goodies from the brand.)  

To be eligible to win one of the gift cards, team members:  

  • Shop at an AFS member store and spend a minimum of $25 with $5 of the total being Exclusive Brands items, highlight the items on the receipt and drop it in the box. 

Receipts are collected on the first day of every new month, except holidays, and the magic starts all over again. An article in Team News will let readers know which brand is spotlighted that month and give team members a chance to discover new favorites while shopping at their favorite AFS member retailers. 

The Exclusive Brands’ department will also give away big-ticket prizes once a quarter alongside the gift basket and giveaway to celebrate Exclusive Brands and the team credited for making it all possible. All receipts, even those who already won prizes for that month, will be reentered to win the quarterly grand prize. 

The first quarterly giveaway includes an Exclusive Brands Stanley mug and tickets to see the Utah Jazz.   

“It’s been exciting to watch the receipt giveaway grow,” said Boyd Irving, VP of Exclusive Brands. “Incentivizing team members and offering exciting tokens of appreciation for shopping our Exclusive Brands is what we want to do; it unites everybody in our ‘One AFS’ family.” 

For more information about how to enter the Exclusive Brands Giveaway, see the infographic below.