Exclusive Brands are integral to members of Associated Food Stores for several compelling reasons. First, they offer AFS retailers a unique competitive edge by providing exclusive products that set them apart from competitors.  

Red Button Vintage Creamery is doing just that. With its best-selling line of indulgent cream and fruit pies, seasonal candies, and limited-edition ice creams and gelatos, Red Button Vintage Creamery aims to offer more than just the classic flavors guests might typically find in the freezer section. Inspired by the nostalgia of hometown ice cream shops, this year’s limited-edition flavors include Peppermint, Chocolate Cinnamon Bear, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Orange Stick, and Eggnog.   

Along with the ability to differentiate, Exclusive Brands allow retailers to exercise greater control over product quality, pricing, and marketing strategies. A tremendous example is Beehive Bread and Pastry Co. Patterned after a famous, traditional Utah roll recipe, Beehive Bread and Pastry Co. offers both fresh and frozen rolls. Expanding on fan-favorite dinner rolls, Beehive now offers several dessert roll options. Flavors include cinnamon, orange, and raspberry, all made with the same fluffiness found in a classic Beehive roll. All rolls are ready-made and available in the frozen section, making them easier than ever to prepare.  

Additionally, Exclusive Brands contribute to increased profit margins as they are typically more cost-effective to produce than national brands. Moreover, they foster customer loyalty by creating a distinct shopping experience and building trust through consistent quality. The Barrel & Branch brand highlights these benefits by bringing next-level flavor to every dish this season. With its large selection of flavor-packed gravies, parsley, and seasoning salts, Barrel & Branch has all the staples needed for the perfect Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing. Available in larger sizes, Barrel & Branch offers quality baking necessities like cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg for the most brag-worthy baked goods this holiday season. 

“Ultimately, exclusive brands empower our stores to tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs and preferences of their customer base, strengthening their market position and fostering long-term customer relationships,” said Boyd Irving, vice president of Exclusive Brands. “We’re really excited about this year’s offerings. The goal is to deliver something different. More than just being competitive with other brands, we want to change the game and offer unique flavors you really can’t find anywhere else.”