In a remarkable accomplishment, the rewards team at Associated Food Stores recently celebrated a significant milestone by successfully adding over 150,000 new members to the store rewards programs across the AFS membership. This success not only underscores the team’s dedication and hard work but also highlights their commitment to expanding the digital reach of the stores the group serves.

The impressive milestone was a result of collaborative efforts, with the rewards team leading the charge. Special recognition also goes to the store owners and front-end teams, whose active participation played a pivotal role. The AFS marketing team also contributed significantly by assisting in communication across various platforms including email and social media, ensuring a seamless integration of the new members into the store programs.

To achieve this ambitious goal, team members Jessica Cronin, Brooke Douglas, Meagan Floyd, Patty Holmes, Jenna Hahn and Marie Sendejo implemented a multifaceted strategy. They revamped and created new signage with QR codes, making it easier for guests to join the rewards programs. Additionally, the team increased their outreach through emails and updated website content, providing clear and enticing information about the benefits of becoming a rewards member. The journey to achieving this milestone spanned 10 months, showcasing the team’s sustained efforts and strategic planning to steadily increase the number of rewards program participants.

“Achieving the target of adding over 150,000 new members holds immense importance for AFS and its members,” said Jason Sokol, vice president of marketing. “It not only signifies an expansion of the customer base but also enables retailers to establish larger and more impactful digital footprints. This increased reach provides valuable opportunities for engagement and interaction with guests, fostering brand loyalty and driving business growth.”

In addition to the remarkable growth in rewards program membership, the rewards team has witnessed a remarkable uptick in digital coupon success. The percentage of shoppers actively clipping coupons has surged from two percent to an impressive nine percent. This surge is accompanied by record numbers of redemptions, indicating the digital coupon strategy is resonating well with store guests.

Looking ahead, the rewards team is not finished. Jessica, rewards and shopper loyalty manager, shared, “The recent accomplishment reflects the dedication and teamwork of people throughout the organization. With the momentum we’ve gained, our next goal is to increase our rewards members by over 200,000 next year and aim to have 15 percent of our customers clipping coupons by 2024.”

As a reminder, AFS team members receive additional rewards benefits including receiving 10 percent off their groceries when they use their rewards number at participating member stores.