A career spanning 43 years is drawing to close for Associated Food Stores’ Executive Vice President and General Counsel, David Klomp.
He has served as legal counsel of Associated Food Stores for over 23 years, and most recently as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Associated Food Stores for the last 6-1/2 years.
In this time, David has seen many changes and opportunities for the company to grow. Some of those changes include the addition of the Farr West distribution facility; acquisition of Albertson’s stores in Utah and the creation of the Fresh Market brand.
If David could be summed up in one word, his wife Joanne says that word would be INTEGRITY. “David has always been a man of integrity and putting others needs before his own.” shared JoAnn.
Together, JoAnn and David have three daughters and eight grandchildren. His family has always been a primary focus and will continue to be so as he looks forward to retirement.
AFS President & CEO, Neal Berube, shared, “Dave is someone I’ve looked up to in my business career. He’s taught me many things, the most important being the values of honesty and integrity. These are two attributes I have witnessed Dave display in many different situations.”
Neal concluded with,
“Dave, you will be greatly missed, and we wish you the very best.”