AFS Sets Wholesale Sales Record  

During the last week of August and beginning of September, AFS set yet another sales record with wholesale totals exceeding $47 million for the first time in company history.  

“It’s amazing to see how efficient we’re becoming,” said Glen Keysaw, vice president of distribution. “The team here in Farr West is showing a lot of heart and a lot of hustle and it’s great for us to be part of the larger effort taking place throughout the company.” 

Case lot shipments played a big role in the record and it’s anticipated those shipments will result in high levels of retail sales at the store level. 

“Our stores are busy in the best ways,” said David Rice, president of Associated Retail Operations. “I’m continually impressed by the execution I see at retail. Events like case lot are no small feat and I truly appreciate the store team members who are giving their best during this demanding fall season.” 

There are also many contributors at the AFS corporate office, many who began preparing months ago for the success the company is experiencing today.

“Every department in the company is making a difference and we’re seeing the entire team step up in remarkable ways,” said Roger White, executive vice president of sales and wholesale operations. “These results only happen because of the significant contributions from ‘One Associated’ and we believe the best is yet to come.”