Want to save money, and the planet?

Zero-waste cooking is gaining momentum as an eco-friendly cooking trend that aims to minimize food and packaging waste. In the United States, food waste accounts for a staggering 30%-40% of the food supply, contributing to approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions (USDA). With the concept of a “zero waste kitchen” becoming increasingly popular, individuals, including shoppers at Associated Food Stores’ member retailers, are embracing environmentally conscious practices while considering their budgets.

The approach to achieving a zero waste kitchen involves practical strategies that prioritize resourcefulness and sustainability. These strategies include:

  • Meal planning to use perishable items before they spoil
  • Repurposing leftovers
  • Proper food storage techniques to extend shelf life
  • Composting organic waste
  • Supporting brands committed to upcycling ingredients

Social media platforms like TikTok have played a significant role in promoting zero-waste cooking by featuring influencers who share innovative methods for utilizing various ingredients and reducing waste. To see videos from some of these creators, click here.

Zero-waste cooking not only benefits the environment but also offers cost-saving advantages to shoppers. By maximizing the use of ingredients and reducing food waste, individuals can save money on grocery bills and contribute to a more sustainable food system. Embracing a zero-waste kitchen requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to be resourceful, but it is an impactful action that supports a more sustainable and responsible approach to food consumption. Through individual efforts, the zero-waste cooking movement aims to address the global challenge of food waste and inspire others to adopt eco-friendly practices in their own kitchens.

As members of Associated Food Stores, there is an opportunity to learn from the environmentally conscious attitudes and values of shoppers, which can influence purchasing decisions and foster a more sustainable and responsible food ecosystem.

Read more about this here.