In the heart of Cedar City, Lin’s is spreading love and joy with their creative Valentine’s Day display, inspired by a passion for dance and community spirit. Store Director Rochelle Mellor shares insights into the inspiration behind the captivating showcase and its positive impact on both guests and sales.

When asked what inspired the display Rochelle explained, “Every great display starts with a theme, and ours was ‘I love you TUTU much.’ It all started with Lynnette Probst, our talented produce manager and a passionate dancer herself. She approached Chuck and Tauna Brandt, owners of the local Junior Ballet Studio, with her idea and they enthusiastically supported it.”

Guests were enchanted by the whimsical display, often pausing for photos and admiring the creativity. Chuck and Tauna were thrilled with the community’s response, noting a significant increase in new registrations at the studio since the display’s installation. Rochelle adds, “When we play together, we win together.”

The materials for the display were generously provided by the Cedar City Junior Ballet Studio, fostering a sense of collaboration and support within the community. Lynnette Probst and Marlene Sleight, floral supervisor, worked tirelessly to bring the vision to life, with support from other team members who ensured the display remained fresh and inviting.

The impact on sales was immediate and significant, with Rochelle noting, “The increases started the day the display went up. With such a stopping point, every guest knew they could get their sweetheart floral at Lin’s.” The floral department is poised to achieve record sales for the week, a tribute to the success of the Valentine’s Day initiative.

As Lin’s celebrates these achievements, Rochelle expresses gratitude to the dedicated team members whose hard work and commitment made it all possible. “Congratulations on a job well done,” she concludes, “and thanks so much for helping us achieve our goals.” With a blend of creativity, community spirit, and teamwork, Lin’s continues to delight and inspire its customers year after year.